Seven Hills Wind Farm


As instructed by An Bord Pleanála during the pre-application consultation process, this stand-alone website has been set up to provide access to all planning documentation associated with the proposed Seven Hills Wind Farm development in the townlands of Turrock, Cronin, Gortaphuill, Glenrevagh, Tullyneeny, Bredagh, Cuilleenirwan, Cuilleenoolagh, Curry, Milltown, Tobermacloughlin, Skeavally, Boleyduff, Clooncaltry, Feacle, Cam, Tawnagh, Cornageeha, Pollalaher, Brideswell, Knocknanool, Ballymullavill, Rooskagh, Bellanamullia, Cloonakille, Monksland and Commeen, Co. Roscommon

The development will consist of the following:

I. 20 no. wind turbines with an overall ground to blade tip height of 180 metres, a rotor dimeter of 162m and a hub height of 99m, associated foundations, hard-standing areas

II. 15 no. spoil storage areas at hardstands of turbines no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (in the townlands of Turrock, Gortaphuill, Cronin, and Tullyneeny) and turbines no. 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19 and 20 (in the townlands of Milltown, Cuilleenoolagh, Cloonacaltry, Feacle and Tawnagh)

III. Provision of 1 no. permanent meteorological mast with a maximum height of 100 metres for a period of 30 years from the date of commissioning of the entire wind farm

IV. Provision of 1 no. 110kV onsite substation in the townland of Cam, along with associated control buildings, MV switchgear building, associated electrical plant, associated security fencing, and equipment and wastewater holding tank

V. All underground electrical and communication cabling connecting the proposed wind turbines to the proposed onsite substation and associated control buildings and plant

VI. All works associated with the connection of the proposed wind farm to the national electricity grid via underground 110kV cabling from the site to the existing Athlone 110kV substation located in the townland of Monksland. Cabling will be placed within the public road corridor of the R362, R363 and L2047, or on private land

VII. Upgrade works to the existing 110kV Athlone substation consisting of the construction of an additional dedicated bay to facilitate connection of the cable

VIII. Provision of 2 no. new site accesses north and south from the R363 and upgrade of 1 no. junction south of the R363

IX. Provision of new access tracks/roads and upgrade of existing access tracks/roads

X. 7 no. overburden storage areas

XI. 2 no. temporary construction compounds

XII. Site drainage works

XIII. Operational stage site signage

XIV. All associated site development works, apparatus and signage

The application is seeking a ten-year planning permission and 30-year turbine operational period from the date of commissioning of the entire wind farm.

This development has been deemed Strategic Infrastructure Development by An Bord Pleanála.


Contact Details

If you have any questions about the Seven Hills project, please contact the team:

Deirdre Keegan, Community Liaison Officer (CLO), Galetech Energy Developments

Rosy Billingham, Community Liaison Officer (CLO), Energia Renewables


Kiltoom, Co. Roscommon 
Energia Renewables and Galetech Energy Developments are working on plans for a 110 kV transmission substation in the townland of Moyvannan in South Roscommon. The proposed substation will facilitate the export of renewable energy from the Seven Hills Wind Farm project to the national grid. Click here for more information